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Book Recommendations for English and Math

Students always ask: "What else can I do to improve my score on the ACT?" 

There is a comprehensive list of Non-Fiction books that I recommend to students who are looking to improve their Reading scores but there are also books we recommend in other subject areas.

English: CliffsNotes Writing: Grammar, Usage, and Style Quick Review 

Math: Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT by Richard Corn

Here is what one student had to say about the Math book we recommend for extra study:

"I Just wanted to follow up with you on the Ultimate Guide math book you recommended. So far I've gotten to unit 3 in the Ultimate Guide and I think it's a great review! It reviews how to do the types of problems before you do them and gives good examples, and I like how it shows you each step when it explains the answers after each section. It's mainly what I've been using to study and it's a good reminder of the rules and formulas I keep forgetting. I would definitely recommend it, thank you again!" - Emma


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